GIANNO DI JANNO is an architectural studio founded by Jean Lartigue and established in Paris.

We design quality spaces to our clients that are related to their environment. Our work in inspired by rural architecture that leads us to redifine "luxury" notion in a more actual and sustainable way. Designing with good sense, building with appropriate materials and reuse what can be reused are convictions that animate us.

In order to propose an architecture that intelligently and respectfully takes advantage of its context, energy and thermal renovation are at the heart of the studio's reflections. Energy audits for homes and condominiums are among the services offered by the studio.

Building sustainably means creating a "heritage architecture" of its time that can be passed on.

“I create contemplative spaces. These spaces are generous. Optimized from the point of view of their operation: when you enter, life sets everything in motion. Your body heat, your movements and your voices make them living places. For me, building sustainably means filling the walls with memories. What interests me in each project is the timeless part: the everyday made sublime. »